A Christmas Light

Christmas is a time of year full of gift-giving, hot cocoa drinking, and family gatherings. Christmas brings people together. People you haven’t seen all year are finally close and you can catch up on life while making memories you’ll never forget. However, a year can change a person. That favorite cousin you used to play card games and soccer with is now in a relationship that seems to be the only topic in their list of conversational subjects to talk about. And the kids you used to run around with playing tag, want to party.

I never expected that the people I would find myself uncomfortable around would be my own family. Growing up as a Christian means saying no to a lot of things people around you are doing. Family means unconditional love and support, but why is it so much harder to say no to drinking to the New Years with them? I could have some huge, door opening advice for you but I don’t. You are in the position you are in because you already know what the Bible says and choose to live by it. Don’t make this a bad thing, stay true and shine that light like the Jesus-loving, fun-having, award-winning family member, beautiful person you are!

~ Hannah; Age 17


Christmas; it has snuck up on us again this year! You knew it was coming and you thought you had time to go shopping for gifts and make cookies. However, have we forgotten the main reason we celebrate Christmas in the first place? It’s not so we all can get new gifts or have the whole family over, it’s about Jesus!

I know what your thinking, “Here we go again. This girl is going to try and convince me to go all Christian like every other person;” but I’m not! Everyone thinks Christmas is the time of year where you can get gifts for the family and have old friends and family over for a big dinner. Why not do that anytime? Why only bring the family together at a special holiday and give them food and gifts? Family is very important! Even if you think they’re annoying or crazy; family is family. If they were in trouble you would help them! No matter what, you love them more than ever. So why only get together on a holiday or birthday? Be the one in your family to bring everyone together!

Merry Christmas!

~ Raven; Age 15

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